Hey there! I'm



a software engineering student

about me

I am a 20-years-old graduate of the Kaunas University of Technology Gymnasium (2020 - 2022) and a Software Engineering student at Kaunas University of Technology (2022-2026) from Lithuania.

I began learning coding in 5th grade when I took HTML and CSS beginner classes. I then stopped until 7th grade when I started taking basic C++ lessons and using it in competitive programming competitions in my country.

In 2020, I taught myself JavaScript, which has been my language of choice for projects until recently when I switched to TypeScript.

I am now learning web development frameworks like React and Next.js, but my university course and interests may change things. I am also quite interested in game development too, but this is not something that I take seriously yet. In the meantime, I'm working on a few projects that I hope to share soon!


2023-09-22This is a test entry


It is currently 17:41:24 for me.

Feel free to write me an email at hi@paulekas.eu.

Check out my LinkedIn and my Github too!